What is the importance of words in our life, how easily we relate ourselves with words and experience the flow of thoughts and feelings based on the nature of the words used? We are restricted from good and bad feelings and still not able to transcend that stage. We have lost the connection with existence …
Teachers of life: Seeing life from a Different Perspective
Whenever I met people who troubled me in the past or the present, I started questioning God, why he has sent these people in my life. For how long I will be miserable. Is there any end to this sorrow? Life tests you, how much you are willing to end this cycle of suffering. I …
How lockdown changed my life
Thought of sharing an article with everyone about how lockdown changed my life. I have learned a lot from lockdown. It made me realize that it is possible to live life in a simplified and peaceful way. Lockdown has kept an end to rushing to the office, not getting stressed out due to traffic hustles. …